Friday, December 31, 2010

Best of 23

It is the last day of 2010, and knock on wood-- It has been the best year yet! This was a big year!
I graduated from Otterbein College! After four years of sweat and tears I AM a Registered Nurse!! I passed my NCLEX in July, and was lucky enough to be offered a position in a pediatric Emergency Department! The past five months have been a huge transformation for me. I have no idea who that person was in August, naive and scared. (And there is still so much left to learn!) I have two weeks left of orientation, I'm surprising myself everyday with what I am capable of, and I have to sens a HUGE THANK YOU to my amazing preceptors who have mentored me through!!!
Greg also graduated from Otterbein College with a Bachelor in Arts, concentration photography. He's still doing that on the side for friends and family. Weddings and Christmas cards...I think he took 6 or 7 Christmas card pictures this year! Now, he's taking classes at Wright State, and in the spring he will be applying to dental schools!!
Of evidenced by the blog...Greg and I got engaged this year! I can't wait...only 7 more months, and I will be marrying my best friend! And long distance or not, we apparently get to spend enough time together because we both shared the same lingering cold for the last two weeks! I got an ear infection and a ruptured ear drum...but if that's all there is to complain about in 2010....woohoo!!!
2010 is the year my Dad became cancer free! AND it is the first year since I was 12 years old that he is healthy and has no major health complications!! It has been a long time fear of mine that my Father would not be there when I walk down the aisle. After many struggles and scares, things are looking up, and with only 7 months to go...looks like I get to have my Dad walk me down the aisle!!
2010 is also the year my mom took her life back, she decided to put herself first for a change! She did the biggest loser, kept it up, and lost 40 pounds! I'm so proud of her!! She is also wedding obsessed, and tells everyone she is the mother of the bride!
Next year also brings big things!Greg and I become an Aunt and Uncle in March!! Congratulation Kevin and Selby...welcome Beebs! Hopefully I am convincing enough, and my grandma will finally have her knee surgery! I'm pushing for BEFORE the wedding! Greg will be applying, and knock on wood, getting accepted to dental schools...that will help us plan the next 4 years! And Greg and I will become husband and wife on August 12!
I'm sure there are more big and exciting things, but we'll just have to wait and see!! Happy New Year!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas Eve...but the blogger wasn't working! Greg and I did our stockings and gift exchange in Christmas Eve because we wouldn't be together on Christmas. Strangely...we both got each other coasters! I got Greg a stone set with a monogrammed B on them. And Greg got me a green set with black and white pictures. The pictures spell the word LOVE out of those pictures that look like letters! Great minds think alike! We also both got each other an ornament with our name on it! How weird! Greg got a lot of clothes and shoes. A tool box for when we're married. And some books and movies. I got a lunch box (Vera Bradley!), a new black coat, movies, lap top case, scarves, and hand therapy gloves! We both did good this year!

Wedding Update!! So excited about this one!!! This just went down Dec 23.
I sent my DJ a facebook message BECAUSE as I was looking through her pictures, I ran across some from her wedding. She wore a pink dress with gold glitter! The top was Lacey and the bottom was shimmery with pick-ups. Anyway, she had a bakery make a 5 tier cake to look like her dress!! AND she had a cake topper that looks just like her and her husband and she is wearing her wedding dress! It is the coolest thing ever! So I asked if she could let me know which bakery she had make her topper. WELL...SHE MAKES THEM!!!!!!
So...we've already booked our bakery and I'm absolutely in love with my cake. No changes there. But I thought it would be a cool idea to have her make our topper to look just like Greg and Me, with Me in my wedding dress. (My God Mom will be so proud! She's dead set on having a cake topper so I'll have something left of my cake forever and ever.)

Merry Christmas!!
230 days to go! <3

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas is Coming

For the past 2 years Greg and I have spent Christmas Eve with my family, left about 9pm, driven to Dayton, arrive at midnight, and get up to celebrate Christmas morning with Greg's family. This has been a nice little tradition, but it has left me without my parents on Christmas for 2 years. So...this year...we will spend Christmas apart-- our last Christmas with our families before we get married. We both are happy about this decision, and have arranged a "5 day Christmas" celebration starting on December 23 for my mom's birthday!! Greg will spend the 23 and 24th in Cleveland. We will spend the 25th with our families. And I will go to Dayton the 26 and 27th! We will do our presents together in Cleveland, and our stockings together in Dayton! Sounds complicated...but it's what makes a longer distance relationship work!!!
We've been very lucky to spend a good part of the past 2 weeks together...lots of driving involved, but together...and really don't mind spending Christmas day apart! I'm lucky this year because I'm still in orientation and don't have to work the holidays. But next year will probably bring a whole new dilemma to the holidays with the holiday I'm assigned.

A few tiny wedding updates...
*Welcome Hannah and Adam to the wedding party!!! This has been established but some how slipped through the blog! =)
*My dress is here!! January 15th is the Inspection! Hope I get to try it on!
*Aunt Diane is making the card box and "just married" sign!! So excited about this!
*Mom bought the wedding invites at 50% off! They are very simple and clean! We just have to add things like directions and accommodations cards!
*The Save-the-Dates are addressed, stamps are purchased, and they will go out in the next month or so with a few last minute adjustments to the very difficult guest list process!! Woohoo!

240 days to go!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Whose Quirk Is It, Anyway?

I posted a few months ago about taking some time off from the wedding planning and working on the marriage. I have to say that I've (We've) been very successful! It's so nice to not think wedding all the time!
Greg and I have taken a little advice from two of the happiest couples we know. First, we are doing a little marriage counseling through my church with Deacon Rich (who will be marrying us). Even though it is required of us to be married in the church, it is also very very good to talk through things with an outside source. Deacon Rich has been an enormous help! Second, we are reading through some books on marriage. I've borrowed a few, but one that I got myself is "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff in Love." I was a little sceptical because it's such a known title. It however has been super helpful as well!
One (of many) things we have taken from this book is..."Ask the Question: Whose Quirk Is This, Anyway?" In this excerpt the author talks about a woman who, newly married, got herself a fresh towel every morning before her shower. And every morning her groom would use the towel, and she would end up dripping to the linen closet to get another towel. Of course she was on the verge of an emotional meltdown, while her husband was thinking what a sweet wife he had to get him a towel every morning. Clearly some miscommunication as well as some quirks. Solution...get two towels out of the closet to begin with.
So...Greg and I have started to work through some of our quirks by using this example. Greg leaves the toothpaste on the counter every night instead of placing it back in the medicine cabinet. Makes me crazy! But...whose quirk is it anyway? I could get mad- but in the end he was simply thinking he was leaving it out for me because I hadn't used it yet. SO, before getting we try to stop and realize no one is at fault. Combining our family traditions has been a struggle. As I hear it is for all couples. I rinse pasta after draining, Greg does not. Greg likes Cincinnati Chili, I do not. I like to sleep with the TV on, Greg does not. Before, we would just got upset with each other for doing things differently, but we are working on combining lives. And learning they're just quirks!

8 months down, 8 months to go!!! <3

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanks Giving

This year was the first year in 3 years together that Greg and I actually got to spend the day together! Two years ago we did separate on the actually holiday, and last year it was my Holiday to work! (No Holidays for me this year...I'm still in orientation!) I'm super thankful to spend the Holidays with Greg, my family, and my new family! And it is the last Thanksgiving before we are's weird every time there is a holiday or birthday, thinking this is the last one I will spend "single". But it's also very exciting!
On Thursday we were in Cleveland with my family. My mom cooked and we took everything to my grandma's. We were the only one's there for dinner, but later on my Uncle Kenny, Aunt Diane, and Uncle Dan came over and it was a very relaxing day!
Friday we drove to VA to spend the weekend with Kevin, Selby, and the rest of the Fam!! Nancy and Selby are busy preparing as I type...smells yummy!! =)

I love Holiday Traditions and getting to spend them with Greg for the rest of my life. I love to have Greg as part of my family traditions, and I'm very excited about all the new family I'm gaining too!

What are you Thankful for??
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Love, C&G

Monday, November 15, 2010

270 Days and Counting

Today is 270 days until Greg and I are married. We started with 474 days in the beginning...its gone so fast and so slow all at once. It's slow because we haven't been spending many of those days together. But this weekend we spent 3 days together and (even though I'm breaking from the wedding planning for a while) we had some meetings for the wedding this weekend.
Saturday we met with Deacon Rich and it couldn't have gone better! We were able to talk about how hard it is to be apart. Interestingly enough, he told us (among other things) we need to skype more! He said phone conversations and texting are just not enough, there is something about face to face time that is very important. We are definitely looking forward to our next meeting with him because with every meeting we are a little more "married" then the last one.
After that meeting Greg's parents come up from Dayton to be with us at our entree tasting! We had a fabulous meal! Selby says all that really matters is photography and food...and I know after Saturday's tasting everyone will be very happy with the food. (And cake if I might add!)
This weekend also included dinner with great friends on Friday night, plenty of movie watching, and a photo shoot with the boys I babysit today! And because we had such a good weekend goodbye was that much harder. We are looking forward to the holidays though! =)

Monday, November 8, 2010


Last week Greg called me out a few things...
First, I travel way too much. Since I work in Columbus I'm always going to Cleveland or Dayton to see my parents or Greg. And since I only work 3 days a week...I have plenty of time to do this. However, it was taking it's toll. I was super stressed and over-tired. And that wasn't helping my relationship with Greg.
Secondly, in addition to the travel, I spent any free moment planing for the wedding. Making appointments with caterers or florists, picking shoes, collecting addresses, scanning the web for more ideas, etc.
Greg is now putting a big halt to all of this. I was instructed to stay home (in Columbus) today and tomorrow and rest...take some "me" time. I was also instructed to put a hold on wedding planning. We have 9 months and I'm way ahead of the game! But that's what I do, I like to be as organized and as prepared as possible! And I enjoy doing wedding things, but I will admit it started to become a job. So, thanks to the best fiance in the world, I am slowing down. I'm super thankful he called me out on it too because I would never admit to it.

Now that I've had a day to step back and rest- I have a new perspective. I had plans for damask fabric, floating candles, umbrellas in case of rain, and dreams of limos, videographers, and chair covers. But that isn't important. And I really don't care about a lot of that anymore.

What is important is that on Friday August 12, 2011 I will be marrying my best friend.

I don't know where I would be in life without him. And even though it is extremely difficult to live apart, it will be amazing to finally be together. And that is what is truly important. Being married to my other half is the ultimate goal...not what the matches look like or what color the flowers are. I could go on and on, but my point is that I'm so happy Greg asked me to slow down. I can now see what is important. In the long run it is our relationship that is important, and the stress of being apart and planning a wedding was compromising that.
Now I am thinking more about our marriage rather then the wedding because the wedding will last a day and our marriage will last a lifetime.
I'm looking forward to seeing where life takes us!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Long Distance

We are coming up on 9 months from the wedding in a few days, and it gets harder each day. I'm sure I don't have to remind any of you that Greg and I are living apart right now. And it's becoming harder and harder and more and more stressful. I did get to spend the weekend with him because we went to Virginia to visit Kevin and Selby. We had a very good time, and are looking forward to returning with the whole family for Thanksgiving. It was so nice to spend time with Greg, but as I drove out of Dayton tonight and back to Columbus I had some overwhelming feelings. I felt extremely lonely, and I felt that three days was horribly unsatisfying. I'm truly thankful for the time we get together, but it's never enough. It's so hard to kiss goodbye and drive away. One day, I hope, we will be together, and be wishing for some alone time. But for now, we take what we can get. Not much longer now.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I had a meeting with the florist today to discuss everything for the wedding! And she gave me the samples to take home which was so exciting! The Cutting Garden is a flower shop in Uptown Olmsted Falls that is owned by a family friend. I met with Melinda and she was so nice and very helpful! In fact her wedding colors are going to be the same as mine! So...I want to tell it all, but I'll try to leave some things for surprise. The cake will have green orchids for sure! My bouquet will have mixes of greens, pinks and purples. The maid of honor will have a mini bridal bouquet. And the girls will be the same but smaller and no roses. Greg's boutineer is an orchid with a sprig of green hydrangas. And the groomsmen will have 3 small white spray roses. The centerpieces will either have hot pink gerbers or green fuji mums. We talked about mothers, and fathers, grandparents and readers too! It was a really fun time to see everything come together!
Oh and by the way...the matchbooks have been re-printed for free. So I'm going to have a TON of matches!!
I think that's it for now...up next entree tasting and favor tasting! =)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


The wedding plans are coming along nicely, and everything seems to be based around the word "elegant". In the beginning it was fun and casual. That is, when we were thinking cocktail reception. Over the past few months things have changed some because we are doing the sit down dinner. So...Windows on the River alone says elegant. My dress...although chosen when we were still in the fun and casual phase has now been made even more perfect because it too is elegant. Before I was worried it would be too much for a fun and casual evening. I bought my veil today and ordered my shoes today...another step toward elegant. The bridesmaids dresses moved from a fun and flirty cocktail dress to a long, black and elegant dress. And you all got a chance to see it on a previous post. The cake is crisp and clean and the DJs are classy. All adding up to hopefully the most elegant night of our lives. However...we have hit one bump in the road. I think I can say this is the first thing to not go quite right.
Greg and I ordered a few wedding things a couple weeks ago and they arrived today!! Yay! we got our toasting flutes, cake servers, and bubbles. And we got our napkins ans matchbooks!! The matchbooks are probably what we were most excited about!! But, they are very sloppy and "un-elegant", definitely not crisp and clean. Don't worry, I am working with the company to see what I can do. But as everything decided for the wedding has screamed elegant or been decided against if it was not...this has made that come to a screeching and disappointing halt.

I suppose this isn't a big deal, but I needed to vent a minute. Hopefully this is the worst thing to happen along the way...cause I think I'm doing pretty good!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sweetest Day is 300 Days!!

Happy Sweetest Day!!!
Today is also exactly 300 days until the wedding, and we started our registry at Bed Bath and Beyond!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


We have booked the hotel for guests to stay in Cleveland! It is located downtown, minutes from the reception venue! The Hyatt Regency at the Arcade. This was also an option for the reception but Windows won us over!

And...most is exactly 10 months from the wedding and 6 months since we've been engaged!!! We truly are enjoying the "engagement phase" of our life. It makes it that much easier to live and work in separate places!

Happy 10 months to go! Happy 6 months of engagement!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Flowers, Food, and Misc.

So...I think I mentioned we ordered our Save-the-Dates and an engagement picture book. Well, they came this week!!! And they are AWESOME!!! And thankfully Greg was able to come visit me Saturday evening so he got to see them too!

This week we ordered our matches, napkins, bubbles, toasting flutes, and cake server. We had a coupon. =) Can't wait for those things to come!! It's all coming together!

October 26th I meet with the florist to discuss all our flowers and decorations. The pictures I posted are from my inspiration folder on the computer, but that's all they are...inspiration! Colors and ideas, hopefully the florist will be able to help me figure it all out! And hopefully we will be talking about lowering cost where we can! Yikes! I don't even have a quote yet, but I've only heard horror stories of how expensive flowers can get. So I'm scared, and hope they can work with the budget I have set in my head!

And we officially have our entree tasting on November 13th!! We get to try: chicken vinaigrette with tomato relish, prime rib, baked halibut, and chicken marsala!! Yum! And Greg and I plan to order some favors...although not officially decided on...for tasting that day too!

Less about wedding, more about life: Last weekend Greg got to come up for Saturday evening. We went pumpkin picking at Lynd's Fruit Farm here in Columbus. That was our second year in a row! We also bought honeycrisp apples, hot kettle corn, and mini pumpkins for decoration. Next weekend, my mom and her best friend Kathy are coming to stay with me Friday night. I love visitors! And Saturday Greg comes up for the weekend!! It's my birthday, AND my LAST birthday NOT married! Kinda weird.

305 days to go!!! <3

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Dress

The dress has been ordered!!! And the little black envelope was 10% off!! Woohoo!

And as I can't share my dress with you, I'll atleast share the bridesmaids dress wtih you!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Little Black Envelope

I cannot express how excited I am about the little black envelope they gave me today at Catan's!!! Brigitte and I went in to try on the bridesmaids dress we were 98% sure about next to my dress that I am 1000% sure about! As we were leaving we stopped to ask a sales lady how much of a deposit is needed to order my wedding dress. After a little conversation she asked if I had received my black envelope. I had no clue what she was talking about! She then took me over to the desk where we had half a shoe box of little black envelopes. She said I have to bring it back...UN-OPENED...when I order my dress! There is a special discount inside each envelope, anything from 10% off, to 50% off, to free shoes, or a free veil! AND there is ONE FREE DRESS in the mix!! Half the envelopes have been claimed and the free dress has yet to be found! CAN'T WAIT TO GO ORDER MY DRESS! And now it's even better knowing there is a surprise waiting for me in that little black envelope!!

I guess that makes up for the bridal show being cancelled today! =)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Long Time No Post!

So much has been accomplished over the past couple weeks!!! Two weeks ago Nancy came to Columbus and we found 2 dresses for her to wear at the wedding! She bought both of them and we're still deciding! We also ordered some fabric samples to use for accents and projects at the wedding. Still deciding on how and what to use it for, but definitely for things like the unity candle, guest book, and card box, etc.

Monday night Greg and I registered at Macy's!!! Back story: A few weeks before we even started dating we were at Easton with a group of friends. As we walked by William Sonoma there were Kitchen Aid mixers of every color in the windows. Greg was so excited and asked me to register with him. Over the next few weeks he called me every single "term-of-endearment" you can think a joke of course. I suppose I gave him because here we are! 2 years and 5 months later...we finally got to register together!!! We are not even close to done. And we have another store or two, but it was so much fun working together to pick items for our home/life together!

On Tuesday, we spent ALL day talking about wedding ideas and picking wedding things. We ordered a photo book from Picaboo of our engagement pictures. And we ordered a few 8x10s and 5x7 to frame and give to our parents.
We also picked all our readings and prayers for the ceremony! Of course that doesn't need to be done quite yet, but it's one more check mark on the list! And Greg was so patient through that whole process! Next meeting with Deacon Rich is November 13th. =)
Last big thing...WE ORDERED OUR SAVE-THE-DATES!!!!!

We talked about a lot of other things too. Favors...we are between two...but don't worry- BOTH include chocolate! =)
We threw around names of people to be ushers, personal attendants, readers, people to carry the gifts, and decorators.
We also may have decided to go with Tuxes, but Greg hasn't tried anything on yet.
And we have a date for our entree tasting! November 13th! Can't wait!

Friday I go to a bridal show at Tower City in Downtown Cleveland! So excited for my first bridal show! Then bridesmaid dress shopping at Catan's where we can try them on text to me in my dress!!

Next up: Booking blocks of rooms at a hotel downtown, Booking the Hair Appointments, and Meeting with the Florist.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

~Wedding Website~

We started our Wedding Website on!! Having a website is so nice because it has everything organized for our guests to see.And the blog is nice because I can share every little detail. AND you only get married once, so why not do both!! 332 days to go! =)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Perfect Day for a Post

Time flys when you're having fun! And crawls when you're waiting to get married!! <3

Monday, August 23, 2010


I have a feeling this blog is going to also turn into a source of reflection for me in addition to being a wedding planner update for all of you. I'm sitting here in Columbus by myself, and have nothing better to do then update my blog. Pandora radio is on, muffins are in the oven, and I'm bored out of my mind. I think it's going to be a long year...

If you have no idea what I'm talking about. Here's a quick version. My family is in Cleveland. My job is in Columbus. And Greg is in Dayton working and going to school until we get married. Sure I have some fabulous friends here in Cbus, but this tiny apartment still feels big and lonely sometimes.

I was lucky that Greg came to Columbus to see me this weekend. We had one of the best weekends ever! It seems like distance really does make the heart grow fonder. Wow...Mom was right. =)
It seems that everytime Greg and I get to see each other we love each other more!

Anyway, in short. Ohio gets smaller everyday. Driving from Cleveland, to Columbus, to Dayton, to Cleveland again is no big deal anymore. And to think, when I started College I cried everytime I had to make that 2 hour drive down 71 south!! The driving will not end anytime soon. But thankfully Greg will eventually end up in the same city...only 354 days to go! 1 year here after then...then who knows where! But we'll be together, and that's a good thing.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Still counting!

359 days!! It's going to be a long year. I'm ready now!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Year and Counting!!!

It is 5:15 pm on August 12, 2010. At this exact time one year from today Greg and I will officially be Mr. And Mrs.!!! We are going to dinner tonight to celebrate our "Negative 1 Year Anniversary"! =)
July was a very busy planning month for us. I burnt myself out a little and had to take a break, but am ready to tackle our plans again!
I officially decided to order the dress I found at Catan Fashions that I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! The decision for bridesmaids dresses is down to 2, both very elegant so it will be hard to choose! We decided on a D.J., Something New Entertainment! Justin and Anna-Jeannine have been great to work with so far, and there is a very cool planning tool on the computer that makes things much easier!! Let's see, what else...
we are way ahead of schedule so there are still ideas in the works, but I have to save something for the next 365 days! =)

I think November is a big month again because it is the 9 month mark, and that means wedding dress ordering, save-the-date sending, entree tasting, and possibly florist meetings!! Can't wait to have more up-dates for you! Thanks for reading!

Love, Christine and Greg

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Full Swing!

Well 379 days to go, Nursing school behind me, and the wedding planning is in full swing!!!
I've had ups and downs over the past couple of days since passing the boards, but nothing I can't handle.
We have posted some of our engagement pictures for you, we are soo excited about how well some of them came out!! And of course laughed at the not so good, awkward and crazy ones.
I have officially decided on THE dress, I am very excited and can't wait to show it off on August 12, 2011! However, we are still on the search for a bridesmaids dress...the one I thought I liked was too young and casual. But we have time, in fact I'm going with my MOH tomorrow to look for something more elegant!
We are also on the hunt again for a DJ. I have a few in mind but Greg and I need to do some interviewing first.
I'm so excited to plan, guilt free, and will continue to up date you as often as I can!

L, C&G

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Engagement Pictures...Check!

And the countdown continues...383 days until the wedding!!
We had our engagement pictures taken today! We can't wait to see the results, and create our Save-the-Dates! We had a wonderful time, and Geneva was really great to work with! There is a chance we'll end up on her webpage so keep watch...

I have more great news, I passed my nursing boards! And immediately following the test I went wedding dress shopping again! AND even better...I think I found THE dress! I keep thinking about it...its so "August"...and very unique, so...probably the one! (Can't post a picture of that, it's not fair to the groom!)

Lastly, for now, Greg and I have our first meeting with the Deacon tomorrow since we took our "test". WISH US LUCK!!!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Successful Wedding Week!!

This week has been super busy with photographer meetings and cake tastings!!

As most of you following me know, photography is THE most important part of a wedding, in my small opinion, next to saying 'I DO!' At one point I told Greg I would give up having a reception to have a good photographer. I meant business I guess. So after almost 3 months of searching and researching we have decided! (I promise, this is the final decision.) Altogether we met with three photographers...but we already had a feeling we liked one the best. Our last meeting was on Monday evening with Mat from Finest Moments. We loved their website, stalked their blog (well I stalked their blog), and then finally met with them! It was the best meeting ever! On our way out of the meeting Greg and I were practically giddy! ...for lack of a better word. This was one of just know...moments. So....we sent the deposit in this morning, and are booked with the best photographer in Cleveland!!! (I might be slightly bias.) Mat and his wife Kristen will be photographing our wedding, and we couldn't be more pleased!! Please check out their blog at...

Immediately following our meeting with Mat, we met with Deacon Rich! I think Greg and I were both a little nervous. Deacon Rich just explained how everything works, and sent us each an email with a test to take individually. We had a small misunderstanding while we were there...he couldn't find my baptism records! He found all my cousins, and searched in several places, but I was missing! Of course, I panicked, and though I would have to be baptised all over again to get married. But, later I found out of all the sacraments my parents, my sister, and I have been through...all of them being at Saint Mary's of the baptism is the exception to the rule. This might have been nice to know before I thought there was no record of my existence in the Catholic Church! Since the meeting and the baptism craziness, Greg and I have both taken the test, but separately of course. I hope we passed!!

Next, we had cake tastings! Our first appointment was at Michael Angelo's Bakery & Chocolatier in Broadview Heights. And we were sold. We really should have just cancelled our second appointment. Their cake was delicious, and the fillings were even better!! We consulted with Matt (different Matt) on a 4 layers cake, but are considering a 5 layer which would make it taller and skinner. But those are details for later. Tier 1 from the bottom will be filled with Strawberry Cassata, tier 2 will be Chocolate Raspberry, Tier 3 will be Lemon Raspberry, and Tier 4 will be Strawberry Cassata again. So much fun, and so yummy!! So, deposit sent, and another decision made!!

Lastly, for now, we are 99% go on a Florist! My aunt is very good friends with the owner of The Cutting Garden. We went into the shop just to get some information, so now we just need to set up a meeting. They did atleast 2 of my cousins weddings I know, and the flowers were beautiful so I have no worries!

L, C&G

Friday, July 9, 2010

.:Wedding Party:.

Okay...after much debate the wedding party is official!!

Best Man: Andrew Beers (Brother of the Groom)
Best Man: Kevin Beers (Brother of the Groom)
Groomsman: Andy Horvath (Brother-in-Law of the Groom)
Groomsman: Shea Castle (Friend of the Groom)

Matron of Honor: Brigitte Gaspar-Smith (Cousin of the Bride)
Bridesmaid: Selby Beers (Sister-in-Law of the Groom)
Bridesmaid: Karen Horvath (Sister of the Groom)
Bridesmaid: Katie Storms-Martin (Friend of the Bride)

Thank you to everyone for supporting us on our big day!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Count Down and Dresses!!

It is officially 400 days until the wedding!!! So much to do, so little time! =)

Today I went with my maid of honor, Brigitte, to look at wedding dresses for the first time! I must have tried on 40+ dresses, and narrowed it down to 7! We have a few other places we want to look, but I'm definitely getting an idea of shapes, likes, and dislikes!

I know in the last post I said we had settled on a photographer...well I guess I was kidding. We are now debating between 3 who are all from Cleveland. We've had a video chat with one company, and meet with the other 2 next Monday! Hopefully, a FINAL decision will be made!

We also have our cake testings next week, and are very excited about that!! Who wouldn't be excited about testing cake!?

Well...I think that's it for now! But I had to update for the 400 day mark! AND how perfect was it that it was my first day out wedding dress shopping!!

L, C&G

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Less Generic...Concrete Details!

It's been 10 days since the last for 10 days our wedding has been officially set for Friday August 12, 2011!!! The count is now down to 421 days until the wedding. Thank you The Knot.Com, I didn't actually have to count. But, the biggest news for Greg and me since the last post is that we are FINALLY college graduates!!! WooHoo! Wedding planning is so much more fun without the guilt for homework floating over my head!

My Future In-Laws want to handle the rehearsal dinner, and I couldn't be more grateful to them! Greg's mom came up with the idea of having it at Pier W in Lakewood, and we LOVE it! Thank you, Thank you!

Our reception hall...well I think I picture the room in my head all day, every day. Everything I decided for the wedding, I picture in this room! I couldn't love it more! I'm very excited about the idea of multi-levels, and opening the outdoor patio to our guests! We've decided on a Cocktail Reception immediately following our 5:00 p.m. Ceremony. Speaking of the ceremony, our first meeting with Deacon Rich is July 10!

We had to find a new photographer. The first one we decided on is actually what got our planning going again, when Greg and I saw her work we got very excited and encouraged! Greg's sister-in-law recommended Moonshine Photography because Geneva is also an Otterbein graduate! However, she is moving to North Carolina this summer and cannot shoot our wedding! BUT she is going to do our engagement pictures before she leaves! We are set to work with her on July 25 right here in Columbus. We want pictures on campus at Otterbein because that is where Greg and I met, and where we got engaged on April 24! Our second choice photographer for the wedding was a recommendation from the first, we got very excited, and then found out she can't do Fridays. So...also a recommendation from Greg's sister-in-law was Ron White Photography in Cincinnati. They did a wedding Greg's brother was in recently, and their photographs were amazing!

We have also found our DJ. Well...DJ kind of. My cousin works with another nurse who DJs on the side, and he is willing to work with us on our big day! I say 'DJ kind of' because Greg and I have decided to create our own play list, and have family members announce dances such as: first dance, father/daughter, mother/son. All we ask for is his time and patience!! We are very excited about this because all we want is a classy, but not too formal party with food, music, and mingling! [We'll see if I stick to it! =)]

We are working on the cake too. We definitely have the picture...I had that before the engagement! =) ...but we haven't booked anyone yet. I'm thinking of using Wild Flower Bakery in Rocky River...we'll see...they don't know that yet!

And the Last big thing we have to book is the Florist! But...I haven't even thought about it, I'm not even comparing them yet. I do however have a picture of the bouquet I want to carry, so that's a start!

Sorry, that was a long post...I guess it was less "generic."

The Honeymoon and Wedding Party are in the works....stay tuned!

L, C&G

Monday, June 7, 2010

August 12, 2011

We have a date!!! As of today, it is confirmed our wedding will be at Windows on the River in the CityView Room on August 12, 2011!!! We are soo excited to finally have a wedding date, and start planning for real! Only 431 days left until the big day!

Today was a big day for me! I finished nursing school when I took my final at 8am. Then, I had two interviews at Nationwide Children's Hospital. One in the NICU, and one in the PICU. Both went here's to hoping! Greg has a few more finals, and a meeting on Thursday to get on track at Wright State for more pre-reqs. Everything is coming together!!

We've been picking details for the wedding without a solid date. We picked a wedding cake...and possibly a cake lady! We are also going with Jessica Miller photography, and hope to get engagement pictures this summer! We are also scoping out honeymoons...but nothing is final yet!

Hope to have more news soon!

L. C&G

Sunday, May 23, 2010

One Month

We have officially been engaged for one month!! Still no pictures from the "prom mom" though, can't deny I'm a little disappointed. Greg and I have had many conversations about wedding plans. Everything from colors, to flowers, to wedding party, to venues, and even what time of year to have a the wedding. BUT...I'm posting to report, we are holding off on any big plans until after graduation. We both graduation from Otterbein College on June 13, 2010. I am receiving a Bachelors of Science in Nursing, and Greg is receiving a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in Photography. Once we've gotten through that hurdle, we will pick a date! I think the only official decision we have made is colors. Black, White, and Bright Green!
We look forward to updating you again, and hopefully soon we'll have my concrete news to report!!

Love, C & G

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Proposal

To start, Greg and I got an idea to plan surprise dates for each other. April 24, 2010 was the day we picked for him to plan a date...who knew it would be one of the most important days of our lives!! The night before I worked a 16 hour clinical and slept that morning from about 8am to 1! I got up, got ready, ate an apple, and we were out the door. First stop, Build-A-Bear! We had always joked about going there but never have. I picked a light tan bear that shimmers, and a pink and green plaid dress for her. Next stop, Katie at her work...this was not in the plans but I got new candles anyway! =) Second official stop, Color Your World. We painted pottery that will be fired and ready next week. I painted a vase, and Greg painted a Mug. Next, we drove to Polaris Parkway from Easton, and parked in front of JoAnn Fabrics. Greg pulled a gift card from his pocket, and told me to go on a shopping spree! I got lots of things for my painting and scrap booking! After that, we drove to campus and parked by his apartment. He asked if I was hungry, and pulled a cooler from his trunk. We have always had "our spot" on campus near the outdoor amphitheatre that backs up to a near-by park. We started walking down the hill toward the stage, and I saw a green vase with flowers. He told me his roommate Dan put them there for him. We climbed up on the stage and as soon as we were sitting by the flowers Greg opened the cooler, pulled out a ring box, and said "Christine, will you marry me?" I didn't know what to do, but eventually found the word yes, and gave him a kiss! At that point, a large group of high schoolers and their parents who were taking prom pictures in the park started clapping and cheering! it was like a movie! The mom's took pictures, and one mom took my information to send me to pictures! That could not have worked out better! Hopefully I can share those soon!Greg's roommate Dan came running from the bushes apologizing, but he wanted to watch! Once everything settled down I cried! Because there wasn't actually any food in the cooler we left our spot, and drove to the Cheesecake Factory! My parent's were there waiting for us! Another great surprise! I spent the evening on the phone with all my friends and family. We look forward to all the planning, and will keep updates here for everyone to be a part of our special time!

Love, Christine and Greg