Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Checking Things Off!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!
It is day 178 until the wedding!! I can't believe how close it is getting! We have been engaged for 10 months, and only have 6 to go. I've been joking with friends lately that I should have eloped...it would be so much less stressful! But, that's not true. I don't wish we had eloped. A friend at work said...You plan the wedding around the memories you want to create. When the day comes it will be perfect, and you will realize all the stress and worry will be for nothing. This was actually very helpful. I really don't think I've been wedding crazed in quite some time, but last week I was thinking about assembling the invites and panicked at what a time consuming job this will end up being. Fortunately, I have a great fiance and amazing MOH who have offered their assistance! =)

I've gotten a lot of little odds and ends marked off my list as well! The guest book, unity candle, and favor boxes have been ordered! I've also ordered shoes and earrings! And maybe a few other things...but there has to be some element of surprise for our guests on the big day! But it is always a relief to cross things off no matter how big or small.
We have also talked about the honeymoon over and over and OVER again. I think we've finally decided but are waiting to book for a little while and wanting to possibly consult a travel agent...I'll share details when this is final.

I can't just talk about the wedding though, I need to update you on the marriage. Greg and I had a last minute meeting with Deacon Rich last week simply because we were going to be in town and needed to settle our nerves a little. He is always extremely helpful! In the past few weeks we have been taking a lot of advice from the book, "The Five Love Languages." And we have made an effort to see each other more...it seems we are always trying for that. And we've sat down and talked finances and budget for pre wedding and post wedding. We meet with Deacon Rich again this coming weekend for a progress check.

Oh, and I have to mention this too! I was on our registry to edit a few things, and there was 1 gift bought already!! I was so surprised and excited. So, whoever you are, if you're reading this...Thank You!! Let it be recorded, our first wedding gift is a corningware casserole dish with carrier! Too exciting!!
