Thursday, June 30, 2011

Marriage License

Let me just say, getting out marriage license may have been one of the most stressful parts of planning this wedding. First, I totally forgot all about it. I've read it on a hundred different checklists over the 16 month planning period and I make a mental note every time that I can't complete this task until we are within 60 days of the wedding. And I completely forgot!! Then Deacon Rich instructed us to bring it to the rehearsal dinner...thank goodness he said something!
So...yesterday, Greg took a break from studying for the DAT, I called the probate court in Franklin county to make sure this is where we need to go, I printed directions off map-quest (old school I know), and we left around 2pm.
First, we stopped at Piada to try to new "Italian style chipotle" and we had to go to Target because we never have cash. To get the marriage license you must pay in cash. So Greg bough deodorant to get his cash back and I bought a kitchen towel to get cash back. Our crazy adventure had begun...
The drive downtown is basically how I go to work so that was easy. We found a parking garage, and thankfully had a little extra cash from out Target trip. No problem. We found ourselves in Nationwide Plaza downtown, which was extremely nice, but we couldn't figure out which building. We knew we had to get to the 23rd floor, but there were 3 big buildings and only marked 1, 2, and 3. No real address. Greg is panicking at this point, but I told him until I panic everything will be fine and not to worry we will find it! (that's what I tell my patients and their parents). So we went in one of the buildings and asked a couple security guards. They all told us we were on the wrong side of town! Mapquest stinks. Okay, frustrating but we'll head that way. We get back to the car, pay to get out of the lot, start heading up High street and the numbers are going down and not up. We are at 280 and we need 373. So we decide that must be wrong, turn around, and park in the same garage we had just come out of, walk back to the same 3 buildings and try a different building. The lady at the desk told me I was on the wrong side of town...again. So at this point I am freaking out. At this point we might need divorce court before we get our marriage license.
We walk back to the car, pay AGAIN to get out of the garage and head up High Street. We were on the North end of High street, the numbers go down and back up on the South end. We tend to stay in the suburbs and don't know this little detail.
At this point it is 4pm. And the marriage license office closes at 4:30. We drove 10 blocks, used the GPS on Greg's droid and found the building!! Finally! And it's in the worst part of town. Yay! We park in another garage around the block, and race into the building. It's 4:15 and we are faced with security guards and metal detectors like we're at the airport! No, we only had 15 minutes!! Fortunately, they were very nice and it didn't take long to get through. We take the elevator to the 23rd floor and walk in at 4:20! Luckily, the people working were very nice too and we were the only customers. We had to fill out the application on the computer in the lobby, raise our right hand to swear we were not intoxicated or cousins, they handed us the marriage license packet, and locked the doors behind us!
We can now officially get married. I had to do some serious retail therapy after that I went and bought the bridesmaids gifts!

This week we've also gotten estimates for a limo/bus, I've counted out all the favors, Greg is working on the table numbers in between studying, we edited the programs, met with the DJ about details, and set up a meeting with the new florist. Next weekend is my Cleveland shower, so excited! And we get our 2 bedroom apartment. Then we are off to Hilton Head with Greg's family for a week! Busy summer!!

Happy Fourth of July!! 43 Days left!
L, Christine and Greg

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